• Poetry

    Transformation of Self

    By Kenneth A Hughes Show me, show me what you see  A scared little boy in a circle of uncertainty  Whispers in the dark trees unknown  He comes in to surrender, Alone  Lies and sin fall from his lips  The boulder he carries falls and splits  Suffering and hell he sees  Promises of Growth gossips the trees  His head is full of confusion and doubt  He’s cold when the stars and fire Go out  Blazing high in the sky Sun ray falls  Mercy from the sand he cries he calls  Like all things in life this too shall end  With the rain his soul begins to mend  Gratitude washes over…

  • Poetry

    Remember your meds. Remember you’re on meds.

    By Margo Gillis Good morning my dear, how do you feel  Be cautious with your thoughts, they’re rarely real  Please remember to take your meds before you start to wane  I promise they’ll do their best to keep you sane  But when you’ve made it through, be patient with your brain  Please remember you’re on meds, your thoughts may refrain  From making any sense, due to the chemical imbalance  Oh, and don’t forget, when you chide yourself for being numb  Remind yourself of the time you nearly bit off your thumb  Trying to pull your mind away from the war raging inside  By forcing your body to set its survival…

  • Poetry

    My Hidden Love

    By Colleen Bayas When I’m exhausted and worn out,  you share your strength My love for you jumps over the fence. When my life seems to be in chaos,  you share your peace My love for you never decreased. When everyone seems to be my enemy,  you are my friend My love for you has no end. When I’m lost and confused,  you are my guide My love for you is strong inside. I must have gotten it from you the way love is Whenever you don’t show affection, I can feel it. It must have been the old ways that restricted us From letting our feelings turn into words.…

  • Nonfiction,  Poetry

    On Mountains: A Reflection of Danger, Pain, and Frog Water

    Thinking Back, 2002 – Spring 2022 By Laura Ditto Growing up around people who look at mountains like something they might attain for an afternoon snack leaves one with an odd sort of connection to nature. I’ve been raised with the stories of these people; who they are, their incredible feats, but also too often who they were. Early death, as it turns out, comes a little too easy for the adventurous spirits. That’s where the close, safe-feeling connection with nature becomes an oxymoron. Being who I am—somewhat cautious all the time but also clumsy—I tend to tread carefully when I’m walking in the woods. It leads me to think…

  • Fiction,  Poetry

    The Heaviest I’ve Ever Been

    By Zoe This is a story about weight loss. At one point in my life, I weighed a ton. And when I say a ton, I mean thousands of pounds. There was a point in my life I was so heavy I didn’t think I would get back up.  I lived in a field of white flowers. This was my life garden. The land of fresh, green stalks with white flowers on their tops rolled for miles. The breeze traveled through the leaves like it was playing the stalks as strings on a guitar. The white petals swayed to the beat in perfect harmony. I tended to my flowers every…

  • Poetry

    This Life

    By Corey Zeedar I look across the lake. I see the green trees, blooming with life.  I hear the birds chirping  In the distance a mother bear hunting for salmon to feed to her nearby cub’s. I see an eagle overhead, scouting over the land.  all is right in this world; everything has its way of life. Though, just ahead of this beautiful idealistic world, in this world of ours. There is pain, death, loss of beautiful full-grown trees.  This world has been burned and charred.   There are no trees. There is no vegetation.  There is no wildlife. There is no life. I see smoke, charred carcasses I see smoldering…

  • Poetry

    You Old Dog

    By Miles Dennis You were born, one among many, and from the very start You were never alone Your mother and your siblings were all you knew A dune of moving fur to roll on and wrestle with Though you hurt each other On needle-teeth Bites and scratches Your orange coats never showed red Because it was all play, your children’s games And one day they were gone They picked you up and Carried you away and They were frightening and You missed mother and All your brethren and yet The ones who took you Loved you all the same They held you and Sat for hours in that warm…

  • Poetry

    The World Before Me

    By Zoe A two part poem. Anemoia (n.) nostalgia for a time you have never known. The first mountain to grow The first river to flow Carving the first pathway When the sky blue not gray Exploring the first valley So rich and wealthy I dream it, I yearn For a time I’ve never known  When the earth formed Raging weather stormed I’m sure that was a sight to see Back when the world was free The rise of forests Before the existence of tourists I wish I saw the Great Fire And I’m not saying it to be satire Or the Great Flood gate open When glaciers used to…

  • Poetry


    By Sara Hinojosa The trip to the border is punishing Months of blistering feet Scorching heat Deciding who I can trust Of all the new faces that change everyday Not sure where I’ll find my next meal Or where I’ll lay my head for restless sleep My grandparents have been leading the journey Since my mother was kidnapped But staying in Colombia means We all would die So I find myself in an endless cycle at the border Without a mother It’s all I can do to keep from wondering Is she safe Is she alive Is she suffering Court dates are months apart And it seems my chances are…

  • Poetry

    Star Mother

    By Laura Ditto Where were you last night? I was striding across the clouds, plucking stars from sleepy dark beds. I combed back their wild hair and hugged them tight before setting them into their blankets, watching them glow a little brighter. You see, this is my job. You see, without me, night would never be the same. Where were you last night? I sat alone at the edge of the universe, looking over all that rests in the dark hours. You were not among them, were you? You see, I watch over those who need to rest. You see, you should have been asleep. Where were you last night?…