Coffee Sleeve Stories

Raising a Child in a Pandemic

By Dave Onofrychuk 

“Hey Dad,” says my son, now seven. “There’s a new Lego Mario set, and guess what?” 

“Chicken butt,” I say. 

“It’s not like the kids’ set. It’s for adults. And guess what?” 

“Chicken butt.”  

“It’s a big box—you know, like the question mark boxes in the game? And guess what?” 

“Chicken butt.” 

“You open up the top, and there are three platforms that come out of it—you know, like out of the top of it? And guess what?” 

“Chicken butt.” 

“There’s a castle level, and an ice level, and the level with a bunch of bombs and bomb stuff. And guess what? Dad. Hey Dad. Dad. Dad. Guess what?” 

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