By joe The moment the pitcher releases the ball the play begins. The outfielder listens to the sound of the ball when it contacts the bat. He watches the ball jump off the bat, and feels the air and wind and the turf beneath his feet. Then he goes to a spot. But not just any spot. In the immense green of the outfield, he goes to the spot, and he makes a seemingly improbable catch. To listen, to watch, to feel, to know.
A Start
By Audri Goodwine Growing up, I was quiet and very observant of my surroundings. I didn’t realize this is who I was until I got into college. Before I left for school, I was so used to just coming home, greeting my dogs and parents, hanging out with my former partner and family, and I was fulfilled. But once I moved away from home, I realized how alone I was. I’m slowly learning how to feel more comfortable around others. I run out of my social battery very quickly, but there’s definitely improvements. I’m trying to accept who I am, and honestly, that’s a start for me.
By Annelida K SmithVail Scene: brown liquid has spilled over shirtfront and lap, over pages. A shouted curse gives voice to the damage, outrage on behalf of uncaring words. Scene: ink has spilled onto sheets of fiber. Spilled from a cartridge, spilled following the motions of a printer belt, spilled precisely into letters. Scene: a sentence has spilled out from shaking lips. It wasn’t meant to be given voice, was supposed to remain safely withheld. An accident, intentional, following the motions of a heart pumping blood, blood that is not spilled. Blood that cools and dries anyway.
Scavenger Bird
By Annelida K SmithVail I walk past the raven carcass again. Every time, I am somehow surprised it is still there, but why wouldn’t it be? It’s at the edge of the forest, out of the way of people, but right by a road that animals prefer to avoid. I imagine the raven’s spirit spreading its wings, flying joyfully from the site of its death. I imagine its body breaking down, becoming a part of the land. I imagine, but all I can see is a corpse, wings splayed out, bones exposed, a record of death and nothing more.
By Annelida K SmithVail Lynn stepped into the room and froze. Katie was staring at the wall again, finger-tracing shapes in the air, lips moving as though muttering—but she was silent. She slowly turned her head to her mother, and Lynn’s stomach churned. She’d heard stories of changelings, the creatures that faeries leave in place of stolen children. Reminding herself that she didn’t believe in such things, Lynn steeled herself and looked into her daughter’s eyes. Katie’s pupils were dilated so wide. Her mouth quirked up, shifted to speak, and Lynn recoiled. When she looked again at her daughter, Lynn’s expression was silent.
To the Left, to the Right
By Super Swiper Swipe left, swipe right The Tinder game I could play all night Why do all these guys insist on telling me their height? The profiles on this app truly give me a fright Even though some people can be quite polite, I’ll tell you the truth: I’m not interested in any of them, all right? Because it doesn’t matter what they write, The bottom line is I can’t stand this site Yet when I get bored and want to cure my lonely plight, I hop back on the app thinking maybe I just might
To Live Like a Flower
By Anonymous On the darkest and most chaotic days, we tend to stray away from our roots. In these days, it is only right to live as a flower. To do this is to remember where we are rooted, to stand tall, let our pollen plant new seeds, and let our petals come and go as we grow.
The Girl Underwater
By Anonymous In life, you’re faced with obstacles, some that allow for your scuba gear to remain intact and some that send you spiraling to the bottom. For Mia, she was sent spiraling to the bottom, and still she forced her way back to the top. Now she kayaks upon the surface of the water, thankful for how strong she has become. No obstacle is too big to overcome or too small to work for.
Berry Picking Spot
By Maria Capezio Crookes We got out of the car with a water bottle, knife, gun, gloves (just in case), and 2-5 gallon buckets from a builder supply store. At the head of the trail, we saw them: another group with a bucket, but without all the gear that makes you local. “Great day for berry picking!” someone in the other group said. “Shame about the bears…” I said, almost in a whisper. They exchanged concerned looks, as my companion—unnoticed—placed a bear warning sign that we had printed at home. We filled our buckets with delicious berries, unbothered, in the secrecy of our berry picking spot. No tourists in sight.…
Coffee after Work?
By Maria Capezio Crookes Cuppies & Joe was our chosen coffee spot to meet after work. Our friendship was born in the front office of an elementary school and grew thanks to caffeine, terrible coworkers, a resignation, and the need for someone to listen to us. Like any plant that you feed coffee grounds, our friendship grew fast. The coffee dates became movie nights, babysitting, and a matching tattoo that I swore I would never get. There are 4,000 miles between us, and coffee doesn’t taste the same without her.