By Colleen Bayas
When I’m exhausted and worn out,
you share your strength
My love for you jumps over the fence.
When my life seems to be in chaos,
you share your peace
My love for you never decreased.
When everyone seems to be my enemy,
you are my friend
My love for you has no end.
When I’m lost and confused,
you are my guide
My love for you is strong inside.
I must have gotten it from you the way love is
Whenever you don’t show affection, I can feel it.
It must have been the old ways that restricted us
From letting our feelings turn into words.
It must have been tough for you, mother.
New generations, different from one another
I should not have put boundaries into consideration
Hearing precious conversations for you to take in
I must have been hesitant and immature
Until then, my love for you stays hidden, not rusty
But remember this, mother
My action says, “I love you dearly.”