By Anonymous
1786 in Louisiana
Were the Tignon* Laws
They were used like a bandana
To cover black women’s hair because
Creole women were required to cover all their hair
They used to experiment and adorn it
They made the white men stare
White women didn’t like it one bit
It came off as competitive
So they had to use Tignon
To black women, who looked, was not relative
But their creativity went above and beyond
They began to adorn the fabric
With feathers and jewels
Rule makers though their change would be drastic
But black women found a way around the rules
They tried to police the appearance of women
Tried to take away their identity
But they have such a creative vision
That they counteracted breathlessly
Today, black women’s hair are still policed
Most places shut against braids, dreads
Even natural textures are questioned to say the least
So black women, at interviews, lightly tread
Many hide their natural texture
They spend hours getting it straightened out
And can feel the rued gesture
When whites stare if a “nappy” strand stands out
In 2019 there was law passed
To stop hair discrimination
Should have been put on blast
White supremacy intimidation
Black people’s hair
Is their cultural identity
Worn like a crown
In all its nappy synchrony
*pronounced: tiyon