by Caroline Oakley
Today, it is as if I’ve entered
A new gallery of your life
Remembering your art
Through a new perspective.
Listen Softly
move with ease
calls out the breeze
and please
stop trying to appease
find the Language
of your Journey
walk with the seasons
things will always
resolve beyond the limits
of time.
Could it be that we drink of the same water,
trees and humans formed
of the same hummus?
Do we then each contain
The Tree of Life
with our hearts?
We toil and till through the many layers of self
to come close to the Giver of Life.
True life.
The markings on the trees
they speak to me.
What do they mean?
The trees heal
but their wounds reveal
line by line
the stories
The pain they endure
so others can cure
the deep hunger within.
Yet, the knobs and the scrapes
map the journey,
mark the seasons,
and hold memories.
New patterns form
on bark that is worn.
And the choir of trees
still clap their shimmering leaves.
As a Child
How can we know or even try to understand
what’s on the other side?
End sight unseen
One step forward
Every moment
Takes trust
Every footstep
Takes faith
Every breath gives life.
A child will naturally follow after a
Loving care-giver.
A walk of curiosity
A walk of wonder
Fear fades in the arms of love.
The first part may fumble
It makes you humble
Every moment
Takes trust
Every footstep
Takes faith
Every breath gives life.
The mind adjusts
This way of life
Is a coming home
Every moment is trusted.
Every footstep is stepped in faith
The breath of life moves.
For Goodness
beholds the
Memory of God.
One Comment
Rani Malone
This comment is in response to Caroline Oakley’s poems. A beautiful collection of words from a beautiful soul. While reading these poems I could hear her soft powerful voice delivering them. What a true pleasure to experience her artistry, Thank you for sharing them!