6-Word Memoirs

6-Word Memoirs

Wild souls, northern dreams, endless daylight. 

- Brayden Bluse 


Bless my clutter, tripping hazard wonder. 

- Athaliah Duby 


Today, silence is louder than bombs. 

- Maria Capezio Crookes (1st place winner) 


Nothing Can Stop me, I’m Ready. 

- Lydia Spethman 


Canadian maple leaves to American mountains. 

- Marianne Murray 


One more chapter, I promise. Really. 

- Maria Capezio Crookes 


Not normally special but pessimistically optimistic. 

                                                 -Monica Elliott 


I’ve replicated my DNA, what’s next? 

- Stephen Koller 


Bedtime was 40 minutes ago. Again. 

- Maria Capezio Crookes 


Sure it’s bedtime? Sun’s still out. 

 			- Catherine Benoit 


A big pot full of spaghetti. 

- Sami Glascott 

What doesn’t kill you almost does. 

- Eric Redding (2nd place winner) 


Spring smells like, well, you know. 

- Cadence Cedars 


Sunshine lingers long after it’s set. 

- Mara Lorch 


It’ll be easy. Famous last words. 

- Eric Redding 


I can achieve all things desired. 

- Jenna Fowler 


Winter’s cold breath nips my cheeks. 

- Cadence Cedars 


Did it always make that noise? 

- Eric Redding 


Sunshine is happiness in the sky. 

- Jenna Fowler 


Visible breath, rosy cheeks—winter’s approaching. 

- Cadence Cedars 


Spring snowstorm. Perfect snowballs. New enemies. 

- Eric Redding 


You can’t eat dreams for breakfast. 

- Mara Lorch (3rd place winner) 


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