By Laura Ditto I’m sure you must have heard of many cowboy men— Billy the Kid and Buffalo Bill— but this ain’t about all them. See, I doubt you know that among the plains, a mighty girl once roamed with skill about the reins. In fiesty herds of cattle she always stood her ground and fired a blazing pistol with a deafening sound. Yes, it is she— who rangers never slew— the fearsome, frightening, fighting: the Mighty Wrangler Sue. They say she could mend clothes, while riding cross the range, yodeling into the night so folks all called her strange. She liked to walk in trousers, and…
By Kenneth A Hughes It’s wave after crashing wave Over the walls and spreading wetting Filling every space and bursting past Rippling with vibrations Pulsating emanating generating pumping out Overwhelming all encompassing Reverberating releasing relays Splashing forth and ever present Nothing but this is important to remember Always will and will be Captivated appreciated celebrated Flowing edges onward pouring Steadily gaining maintaining the volume Breathe it in and breathe it out It’s all we are and all we need As is the way of the stars Grow like a flower Share this Love Love eternally Love
Cutting your tongue on the words you speak
By Kenneth A. Hughes Walking through the values you entered unto the world/ Fraught with nought nary a faerie, “Not Fair He!” These globs of stops are concluding a protruding confusing intrusive elusive notion current on the currents in motion on the Bering Sea portion of the Pacific Ocean/ Land meets man, meats man & plans stands for days in ways that’s it’s laid out like gout, stout as a shout/ This gory “Glory & hallelujah” in collusion to Illusion; losing to a lost paradise parable parked between antiquated ideas flayed and displayed in an intricate array The main rage on the stage is parading cascading triumvirate hues/ Stoned and…
By Destiny B. Key Being within Alaska’s nature has always been my definition of “home”. I refuse to call any place “home” because I know my home is Alaska. It’s in the waterfalls off the side’s of the Seward Highway, it’s in Whittier at the Salmon Creek run, it’s in the view of the Sleeping Lady and it’s in the Matanuska Glacier. Immersing and submitting to Alaska’s flora, fauna and salmon filled cool waters always felt beautifully natural. It’s apart of me and it’s a part of who I am, even to this day, being far from the land I am most familiar with.
The Poets & The Muses Too
By Laura Ditto I’m chased into a waltz by Whitman, while Wilde hounds my head. Their words live on in memory, even when they are long dead. As I sit in stupor, and writing wracks my brain, I remember those who came before, and begin to feel quite sane. Sappho taught me how to love, Poe showed me my grief, Service gifted nature, and they all gave me relief. I live by words unspoken and leave my own to pages. Perhaps if someone finds them, they too will live for ages. If Homer told traditions, and Shakespeare defined play, then words create beginnings that never shall decay. …
By joe Jimmy is the only man who genuinely believed I was a saint. He held me in as high regard as any man could. I knew Jimmy for what he was passionate and punishing. I never idolized the man but instead cherished him dearly as my brother. It is tough to say what our propensity for pain is, but Jimmy’s was deep and unrelenting. He was as unforgiving of self as any man could be and this, this is how I will remember him. Let it go, brother. Let it go.
Snow Poem
By Pansy Alakayak Thank you snow, evolving is your presence, You and Mother Earth – what an essence. Snowflake and Snowshoe, wholly and true Hoarfrost on elders heads, oh yes they grew. Ancient dog musher and snowmachines too, What would they do without you! Climate change ravage, affecting all of you. Please don’t leave us, forever be true! Snow forever, you are pure and white. Please continue to come in your time. You are amazing and beautiful, In your everlasting time.
Ceiling Spiders
By Miles Dennis I crushed my fingers stacking wood. Cut my fingers on parking-lot glass. Broken arms, been snapped by ropes, and burned by countless careless touches of the stove. I cursed and cried each as I waited for them to fade. It is different now, I can’t find it now. It is everywhere, except when I look for it, when it is nowhere. The half-dead trees outside are wrong, they won’t bear leaves this spring. The half-melted streets are wrong too, they will never melt out, and I think it’s inside somewhere. I can’t find it. The East is wrong too, the sun won’t come up in the morning.…
That’s What They Want You to Think
By Marty Grumblis 0: Contact Established You, yes you, stop whatever you’re doing right now. I need to make sure you’re ready to listen to what I’m about to say. You’ve been living in a dream world, a world of lies and deception and mind control to keep the masses complacent. No, don’t act surprised when you read this, act as normal as possible. You wouldn’t want them to notice, would you? Good, yes, act totally natural, you’re just reading a normal article from the mainstream media, you’re just getting your daily dose of misinformation. Except, this time, you’re getting the truth. The truth that they’ve been hiding from you. …
I Am the Villain, and I Will Never Win
By Jordan Hales I am the villain, and I will never win. My words are laced with venom. My ambition stings. I am never wrong, nor am I right. Vanity is worn on my iron sleeve. Viridian is my color. Black is my heart. Silver are the swords that stay at my side. I am the villain, and when you fall, I triumph. I taunt. I tear. I am only a reflection. I burn, you blunder. Betrayal is a given—by you, by me. I will love you. I will leave you, and you will watch me walk away. The ground burns in my footprints. Power blazes within me, but not…